Jane’s Walk: Le chemin des carrières

This Sunday 6 May, Mile End Memories invites you to discover the former chemin des Carrières during the Jane’s Walks weekend.

The irregular path of chemin des Carrières recalls the origins of the village of Côte Saint-Louis. By noticing clues left by different time periods, we will explore its transformation into an urban neighborhood. Today – in fact since 1935 – the route that we will explore is part of Gilford and Berri Streets. Please note that the tour will be given in French.

Jane’s Walks are organized each year in honor of Jane Jacobs, an American author who revolutionized urban planning thought in the 1960s with her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities. She had the ability to observe urban life and to explain to all how cities function, and why dense, diverse neighborhoods are of great value. In Montreal, the Jane’s Walks event is coordinated by the Urban Ecology Centre.

Sunday 6 May 2012, 2:00–3:30 pm, rain or shine

Starting point : Corner of Henri-Julien and Mont-Royal Avenues (97 bus, Mont-Royal metro)

Ending point : Laurier metro

Language : French (English discussion welcome)

Cost : Free

Optional registration on ecologieurbaine.net

Information : info@mile-end.qc.ca