Justin Bur

Presentation Queer Mile End: Production of another LGBTQ+ neighbourhood The recent creation of queer neighbourhoods outside of traditional gay villages suggest changes among LGBTQ+ generations and urban species in central cities. Based on a series of interviews among LGBTQ+ youth living in Mile-End in 2013, this presentation explores the process in […]

Presentation: Queer Mile End

Family archives: their contributions to history and challenges of conservation in French Sunday 6 October 2019, 2 pm Bibliothèque Mordecai-Richler 5434 Park Avenue ** Please note that the multipurpose room upstairs, where the activity takes place, will be open as usual. Only the adult section of the library, downstairs, is closed. ** […]

Presentation – Family Archives

book: Portraits du Mile End 2
Update 2019-09-23: Photos from the event. Join us for the launch of a book that celebrates Mile End diversity! Mile End Memories, the local history group, joined with two local graphic artists, Michel Hellman and Pascal Girard, to produce a richly illustrated book linking the history of the neighborhood to […]

Book launch: Mile End Portraits

Mile End Memories is offering eight walking tours in the neighbourhood this year, on Sunday afternoons (and a couple of Saturdays) at 2 pm, between 16 June and 13 October. Reservations not required. A voluntary contribution ($10 suggested) would be appreciated, to support the organization’s programs. Sunday 13 October – […]

Walking Tours 2019

After the success in 2017 of the walking tour series Promenades sur le Plateau : histoires et cultures offered in collaboration with the Société d’histoire du Plateau Mont-Royal during the celebrations of the 375th anniversary of Montreal, Mile End Memories has the pleasure of offering most of the Mile End program […]

Walking Tours 2018

The Rosemont–Van Horne Overpass and the reappropriation of urban space The Rosemont–Van Horne overpass, constructed 1970–72 at the time when the car was king, has left a huge scar on the urban fabric of the Mile End and Petite-Patrie neighbourhoods. But the abandoned industrial areas around it have, over the […]

The overpass: what next?

25 walking tours to discover the history of the Plateau-Mont-Royal, 14 May–29 October 2017 The Société d’histoire du Plateau-Mont-Royal and Mile End Memories invite Plateau residents, Montrealers and tourists to discover the history and heritage of the Plateau. A program of 25 walking tours will allow you to discover the places, events and communities that built and that […]

Promenades sur le Plateau : histoires et cultures