Jane’s Walk: Houses of Mile End

Walk led by Justin Bur and Christine Richard

Carte postale coloriée, vers 1910. BAnQ, P547,S1,SS1,SSS1,D2-52,P1771R

Colorized post card, ca. 1910.
BAnQ, P547,S1,SS1,SSS1,D2-52,P1771R

All of our Jane’s Walks have reached capacity! Thank you for signing up in such large numbers. If you were not able to reserve a spot, don’t worry: we’ll be offering many other tours this summer, most likely including a repeat of this one.

This walk will traverse Mile End from west to east, giving us the opportunity to discover the history of the neighbourhood’s streets, of the various housing types that compose its landscape, and the surprising if not tragic destiny of some of its notable houses.

This free tour is offered as part of the 8th Montreal edition of Jane’s Walks coordinated by the Montreal Urban Ecology Centre. Jane’s Walks are walking conversations led by and for citizens all around the world on 6, 7 and 8 May 2016. This annual event is organized in memory of author and urban activist Jane Jacobs.

Starting point: 201 rue Saint-Viateur Ouest (in front of Bioterre)

In English: Saturday 7 May 2016, from 3 pm to 5 pm
Free, registration required at ecologieurbaine.net

In French: Saturday 7 May 2016, from 2 pm to 4 pm
Free, registration required at ecologieurbaine.net

In French: Sunday 8 May 2016, from 2 pm to 4 pm
Free, registration required at ecologieurbaine.net

A few other walks planned in Mile End: